I am excited to share great news! My students now have a unique opportunity to enhance their acting, dancing and singing skills and perform on stage in a real musical!
Together with Splinter Theatre Company we have started a Musical Theatre Workshop for Children, and I am very proud of my students who took part in it and performed in “A Christmas Tale” musical that was held at Cutting Hall, Palatine on December 16 and 17 of 2023.
It was an exciting, unique and unforgettable experience! All the children felt great joy being on stage, everyone had their star moment! It was very rewarding to see the audience applauding with great enthusiasm and appreciation. Our premier went great and was very well received. We had so much fun and joy preparing for this musical so we are looking forward to our next performance which will be held on December 14, 2024, again at Cutting Hall in Palatine.
To learn more about our Workshop and upcoming events, please visit Splinter Theatre website www.splintertheatre.com
To sign up for the Workshop please contact Music Director Elena Goptseva (847)293-1894 or Director Dmitriy Yakubov (847)691-5599
Please save the date and come to see our show!